- in Dev Updates, New SBK, News
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Dear SBK Fans, it’s now time to share with you some of the cool and exciting new features you can expect in the new SBK Official Mobile game on launch, in spring 2021, in addition to the ones that we are looking forward to implementing in the future!

The initial release will include what follows:

  • All the tracks, teams and bikes of the 2020 Superbike World Championship season
  • A player Development system awarding Experience Points for racing in different game modes, which allows you to level up and unlock new perks and upgrades for your bike
  • A Garage screen, where you can tune and upgrade your bikes until they reach peak performance
  • Engine Wear and Motorbike Integrity mechanics: as in real life, motorcycle components may suffer damage or deteriorate over time, so you are going to need replacement Engines and Repair Kits
  • Daily Login Rewards, granting bonus in-game items for playing every day
  • Daily Quests, including challenges and special goals to attain in exchange for rewards

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Tech enhancements upon SBK16

  • Enhanced physics based on a more realistic and fluid handling model, with an arcade slant
  • Advanced graphics with higher-quality 3D models and textures for added realism, and new effects such as motion blur conveying an increased sense of speed, skids and particle system
  • Improved A.I. featuring life-like behaviors and dynamic performance adjustment based on machine learning
  • Enhanced Rider Animations supporting inverse kinematics
  • Extra control setups, including auto-acceleration for a more casual gaming experience
  • Realistic Difficulty level, disabling all riding aids (anti-skid braking and traction control systems, assisted braking and steering)

The best bit about the above? That is just the beginning!

In fact, SBK Official Mobile Game will be fully supported with ongoing updates that will include new game modes, customization options, replays with race highlights and much more!

About the author

Founded in 2006 and based in Milan, with offices in Rome and Miami, Digital Tales develops games, e-Learning solutions and anything in between, including edutainment, gamified training courses and VR/AR applications. Its racing and action-adventure games are based on a proprietary cross-platform C++ framework and/or third-party engines. The studio has collaborated with established developers and publishers on console, mobile, PC and browser games, but has also self-funded and self-published a few mobile games which topped iOS, Android and Windows Phone charts worldwide, while totaling over 50M downloads cross-platform and garnering 2 Italian Video Game Awards (Best Italian Indie Game, Best Tech).

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  1. Really looking forward to the new game, have bought all previous games and enjoyed them all never had a problem with any of them they play really well on the iPhone, great graphics as well . Again looking forward, nice one Dev’s.👍

  2. Can’t wait for it! I have now SBK 16 and had SBK 15 which I liked better the 16 But lokking forward to 20

  3. Will the game include MFi controller support on iOS?

    1. The game will support both MFi and Android-compatible controllers, although not in the closed beta version coming soon. We’re definitely going to implement this feature in future versions.

  4. The daily rewards mentioned in this blog, does that mean the game will be fully online?

    1. Not necessarily: some online features and game modes will definitely require a network connection but we’re still evaluating offline modes and/or synch functionalities allowing players with an unstable connection to also play while they’re offline and then align their game data once a connection becomes available. That would imply complex technical solutions, though, so we cannot confirm anything yet.

      1. We’re all good with online or offline. I got a great internet connection. One thing though, just make it free. We don’t like spending money in a game, it’s just a waste. I mean most of the player of this game are 13 to 18, where do you guys think they will get a money for this?

        Just don’t add premium packages. I’m sorry for this, but it really SUCKS. That’s all my complaints. Hope you guys consider it.

        Thank you, may you all have a great and wonderful day.

        1. We always take our monetisation model into serious consideration, although that’s the paradox of mobile gaming, you see: gamers want to play games for free, but it takes money to develop and maintain games. So most of them now prefer paying for their gaming by watching ads or giving their personal data away—because nothing is free and, when a product is free, that means YOU are the product. Besides, even if you think you’re not paying for something like gaming, you’re actually investing your own time in it and your mum would probably say THAT is a waste too 😉
          I personally prefer paying for high-quality games, and knowing what I get for my money and my time… but there’s all kinds of gamers, I guess!

          Some food for thought, though: a target market mostly made up of young, non-working people has never been an issue for the toy and entertainment industries so far, so why should it be for gaming and digital entertainment now?

  5. Ohh boy, really? Even this game will going to be online soon. No😥 please. I really hate it when I heard “upgrades” it sounds like you have to spent real money. This offline is better already. Everything is cool without that upgrade thing. Please just make it offline. A little graphics customization is already enough. Just please don’t make it online.

    I guess I’m just gonna spend all my time here before it goes online. And this might be the last time I’m playing this game.

    Goodbye SBK. I really loved you. I’ve been playing you since 2015, but you’re about to change soon. I will miss you. Thank you for making my life happy, and thank you for taking all my depression when I’m sad, thank you for all the memories you gave to me. I’m gonna miss you so much. I love you. Goodbye.

    1. We’re sorry for taking your offline gaming away but gaming changes, just like people and times do, and there’s not much you can do about that 😉
      We’re painfully aware of that as game developers, so don’t think we like always-online and free-to-play games ourselves! Yet that’s what gamers and the market seem to be asking for and we have to comply in order to survive in this business.
      As a matter of fact, there are multiple reasons why most developers and publishers are now releasing F2P online games on mobile platforms, ranging from technology requirements to security and piracy issues—100% offline games are simply not a viable option anymore.

      However you can rest assured that we’re doing our best to avoid pay-to-win mechanics and annoying advertising for this new SBK Official Mobile Game, which is why we decided to involve players from an early stage of development, so as to test gameplay and monetisation mechanics to reach that sweet spot, where you can pay as much as you want to enjoy a quality gaming experience undisturbed, but you can also watch rewarded videos if you don’t want to spend any real money—it will be up to you and your playing style.

      As mentioned above, we may also consider some offline data synching options for unstable network connections, so you don’t necessarily need to be playing online at all times and you don’t risk any savegame data loss, but exchanging a minimum amount of data is now required for games to run properly on mobile platforms.

  6. Just Larrx

    can u release a trailer on YouTube if possible.That can hype up SBK mobile players

    1. We’re definitely going to release trailer and gameplay videos as soon as possible, but they will mostly come along at a later stage in production.
      In the meantime, we’ll be happy to share some work-in-progress videos here on our blog and/or on our social media channels.

  7. Muhammad Rizky Azhim Indonesia

    Kami penggemar game sbk 16 di indonesia sangat menunggu pembaruan game ini dan saya berharap ada sirkuit mandalika indonesia untuk pembaruan sirkuit nya terima kasih kami akan menunggu pembaruannya

  8. Muhammad Rizky Azhim Indonesia

    Oh iya untuk developer kalau bisa agar informasi pemberitahuan game nya informasinya diberitahu di play store agar player game sbk 16 mufah mendapatkan informasi pembaruan game,terima kasih kami menunggu pemberitahuannya

  9. Kami sebagai fans sbk sangat menanti geme sbk ini rilis dan kira kira kpn rilis nya?

    1. Ini dan pertanyaan panas lainnya di Game Seluler Resmi SBK baru dijawab di bagian FAQ:

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