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As we mentioned in our latest dev update on the status of the SBK Official Mobile Game Closed Beta, we have been collecting feedback and bug reports since the program was launched back in February, diligently fine-tuning some core mechanics and fixing the highest-priority issues. The result of our hard work can be seen in this first update to the Closed Beta code, now available for download on both iOS and Android.


Of course, we have only just started to leverage the testers’ feedback and suggestions, while also progressing with our original development plan for the official spring release, including new content and game modes. There is still a long way to go, but we will make it to the finishing line together!



  • All the circuits of the 2020 WorldSBK Championship are now playable:
    • Autódromo Internacional do Algarve
    • Ciudad del Motor de Aragón
    • Circuito de Barcelona-Cataluña
    • Autódromo do Estoril
    • Circuito de Jerez-Ángel Nieto
    • Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours
    • Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit
    • Improved A.I. riding style and time on most tracks
    • GUI overhaul to better represent the WorldSBK brand image
    • Improved engine sound blending and new sound effects (still WIP)
    • Direct in-app links to our online Bug Report and Tester Survey forms  
    • Haptic feedback added to the iOS version (also coming to Android soon)
    • Misc bug fixes




If you want to join our pool of kickass beta testers and get your hands on the new SBK Official Mobile Game before release—while also helping us make it a better game—you can still enlist through our online Closed Beta Enrolment form. Before you do, please, check out the minimum hardware requirements and our FAQs for further information on how to install the Closed Beta version and provide feedback to the development team.


Once again, thank you for riding with us!


About the author

Founded in 2006 and based in Milan, with offices in Rome and Miami, Digital Tales develops games, e-Learning solutions and anything in between, including edutainment, gamified training courses and VR/AR applications. Its racing and action-adventure games are based on a proprietary cross-platform C++ framework and/or third-party engines. The studio has collaborated with established developers and publishers on console, mobile, PC and browser games, but has also self-funded and self-published a few mobile games which topped iOS, Android and Windows Phone charts worldwide, while totaling over 50M downloads cross-platform and garnering 2 Italian Video Game Awards (Best Italian Indie Game, Best Tech).

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  1. The game is lagging.Would you please optimize it for low end devices?

    1. Please, remember this is a Closed Beta version, thus not optimised for the widest possible range of devices. One of our goals for sharing a pre-release version of the game is actually to test and optimise its support for as many devices a possible, so you’ll have to bear with us as we continue developing and optimising the game running up to the official launch.

  2. Muhammad Rizky Azhim Indonesia

    Digital tales, saya sudah mendaftar kan diri untuk bergabung di game sbk beta tertutup, dan kapan saya bisa mendapatkan game nya?

    1. Kami biasanya mengundang penguji terpilih baru pada hari Jumat.

  3. Gilang A.R

    hello digital tales. I really like motorbike racing games, so I want to try the SBK 21 MOBILE game. please send the link as soon as possible, because I can’t wait to play it


    1. Hello there! If you want to join the SBK Official Mobile Game Closed Beta program, check this out:!

  4. Muhammad Rizky Azhim Indonesia

    Hai developer, terima kasih sebelumnya karena saya sudah diterima untuk menjadi penguji di versi beta, tetapi saya tidak dapat mendownload versi beta dikarenakan versi android saya masih versi 4.4.4 saya berharap semoga saat nanti game nya rilis, versi android saya masih bisa untuk mendownload game versi barunya, tolong di pertimbangkan lagi untuk player yang memiliki android versi 4.4.4 ok itu saja pendapat saya, terima kasih😊😊😊

  5. Marcelo dapuran

    Pls make it smooth on low end devices

  6. Gracciano Imanuel K Rambang

    Mohonlah agar Digital Tales! Agar secepatnya merilis game game ini di akhir bulan April! Saya memang sudah mengisi formulir pendaftaran untuk memainkan game ini! Tapi masih tidak ada respon! Jadi sebaiknya kalian secepatnya merilis game ini di google play store bagi seluruh tingkat dan perangkat Android tanpa terkecuali! Mohon rilis game terbaru kalian ini SECEPATNYA!!!

    1. Undangan baru untuk bergabung dengan program Beta Tertutup dikirim setiap hari Jumat. Jika Anda mendaftar tetapi tidak menerima undangan, pastikan Anda memasukkan alamat email dengan benar dan Anda memenuhi persyaratan perangkat keras minimum untuk program tersebut.

      Kami akan merilis game ini di toko aplikasi segera setelah kami merasa yakin game tersebut siap untuk ditangani oleh sebanyak mungkin pemain. Tentu saja, ada ribuan perangkat Android di pasaran di seluruh dunia dan tidak ada aplikasi maupun game yang dapat mendukung semuanya tanpa kecuali.

  7. Gracciano Imanuel K Rambang


    1. Apakah Anda menginginkan permainan yang buruk atau permainan yang bagus?
      Jika jawabannya BAIK, saya khawatir Anda harus bersabar dan bersabar dengan kami lebih sedikit; P.

      Kami bekerja keras untuk memberi Anda game balap sepeda motor 3D terbaik di perangkat seluler dan itu membutuhkan waktu — semua hal baik dalam hidup membutuhkan waktu!

  8. Marcelo dapuran

    Digital tales can you please and wearther conditions like rain cloudy and any other condition so that it will be more fun and thrilling experience😊

    1. Yes, weather conditions are planned for integration, yet not on launch.

  9. Gracciano Imanuel K Rambang

    Mohonlah! Rilis game ini secepatnya ya Digital Tales.Tapi kalau itu butuh waktu, mohon undanglah saya untuk memainkan game kalian. Saya akan menyampaikan masukan, dan ide ide untuk kalian. Mohonlah! Saya sudah tidak sabar. Seharusnya paling tidak kalian mengundang saya. Perangkat handphone saya sudah cukup mumpuni untuk memainkan game ini.

    1. Sayangnya kami tidak dapat mengundang Anda, kecuali Anda sendiri tidak mendaftar untuk program Beta Tertutup:

  10. Gracciano Imanuel K Rambang

    Paling tidak undanglah saya untuk memainkan game ini!!! Mohonlah!!!!! Plis.

  11. Mungkin perlu ditambahkan lagi supaya bisa crash/terjatuh ketika berada di luar track dengan kecepatan tinggi dan posisi miring

  12. SyauqiAlFa

    Halo dev apakah saya bisa mencoba beta test ini di iOS ?

  13. Khairul Amirin bin Zulkhairi

    Hello…can I get the link of game because I really like WSBK Games I hope I can get the link as soon as possible.Thank You

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