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In our latest development update post, we shared our short-term plans for the new SBK Official Mobile Game following the testers’ feedback on the Closed Beta version. Now we also want to reveal some more features we have in the pipeline, which are unlikely to make it for launch but are hopefully coming with future updates.

As a matter of fact, we are collecting a substantial amount of observations and suggestions both on the current gameplay mechanics and additional features players would like to see implemented—and none of them will go unheard. We were so impressed by the unprecedented level of interest and engagement enjoyed by the SBK games, that we vowed to take our fans’ and critics’ feedback very seriously, and we committed to keep the mobile gaming community regularly updated on our creative and production process, while working towards a new instalment in the series. 

That is something developers usually do for PC and console games but is rarely the case with mobile titles—presumably because the latter target a more varied and casual audience, who is not necessarily into the gaming industry’s behind-the-scenes workings. Yet we realised that more and more people are now investing time and passion in mobile gaming, which is expanding into something much bigger than the time killer it used to be, and they are developing specific tastes and needs that often go disregarded or misunderstood. If anything, the SBK Official Mobile Games taught us that some of them are even hardcore gamers—and our Closed Beta program further confirmed that they know their racing simulations pretty well. Others may not actually know much about them, but still know what they want and are unabashedly vocal about it!

Whatever kind of player you are, you can rest assured that our team is listening: Digital Tales’ (overly ambitious) goal is to make a game that may be enjoyed by as large an audience as possible, while still preserving its own identity and mission—i.e. bringing realistic motorbike racing to mobile platforms. That is the reason why we recreated the SBK Official Mobile Game from scratch, based on players’ feedback and requests, which are also going to be the drivers of any future developments. 

And, to be completely honest, we would really like this to be a two-way communication—a friendly conversation, if you will—with players also listening to us and getting to know more about developing games for mobile devices.

So let’s get down to it!

New SBK Official Mobile Game Cover Artwork


On top of the content and game modes planned for the new SBK Official Mobile Game’s launch, which are already in the making, our highest priorities in the short-term period will be fine-tuning the core gameplay—including improved physics, responsive controls and life-like A.I. behavior—and implementing more realistic sounds and crash animations

The game will also require a generous amount of performance optimization in order to grant compatibility with as many devices as possible on Day 1.

Once we are happy with the core gameplay, and all the pieces of the release version fall nicely into place, we will be ready for launch. That will be a watershed moment for Digital Tales and the future of the SBK Official Mobile Game: depending on how well the latter passes the “market test” and how fast it gains traction, our studio will be in the position of planning and producing subsequent updates. 

That means we may eventually get a chance to add more of the small and big features that players have been requesting—and our team has been diligently marking down—for years!


The following features top our regularly updated list of the most coveted additions to the SBK Official Mobile Game: bluetooth controllers support, extra rider animations for added flavor, nice graphic effects like exhaust backfire, rainy weather conditions, replays, photo mode and cockpit view. We are the first to wish the features above can all be implemented as soon as possible post launch, as we strongly believe in this project’s potential and we trust in the players’ support.

That notwithstanding, the most requested features of all time—even before we released this year’s Closed Beta version and received some fresh feedback—have always been the Career and Real-Time Multiplayer modes. As those are extremely demanding features for a small indie developer to deliver and maintain over time, they may come at a later stage but are definitely in our future plans for the SBK Official Mobile Game: not only would such game modes bring about multiple racing classes and championship seasons, possibly even some light team management mechanics, but they would also imply a minimum of riders and bikes customisation options, which is partly the reason why they are so challenging to implement. 

Anyhow, we are always up for a challenge and we are confident we can get there, gearing up one level at a time. It goes without saying that we really hope you will join us on this crazy ride!

And now that you are up to speed on our plans to boldly go where no mobile motorbike racing game developer has ever gone before, get ready to know more about what’s coming to the SBK Official Mobile Game in the near future—hold on tight until our next blog post!

About the author

Founded in 2006 and based in Milan, with offices in Rome and Miami, Digital Tales develops games, e-Learning solutions and anything in between, including edutainment, gamified training courses and VR/AR applications. Its racing and action-adventure games are based on a proprietary cross-platform C++ framework and/or third-party engines. The studio has collaborated with established developers and publishers on console, mobile, PC and browser games, but has also self-funded and self-published a few mobile games which topped iOS, Android and Windows Phone charts worldwide, while totaling over 50M downloads cross-platform and garnering 2 Italian Video Game Awards (Best Italian Indie Game, Best Tech).

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  1. Just larrx

    Will we have to wait till June or mid May?im loosing my mind waiting for your fantastic game.#staysafe

    1. We’re glad you’re looking forward to the new SBK Official Mobile Game and we’re doing our best to release it as soon as possible. Yet we also want to release a solid update to the franchise, with the support of our community of Beta Testers—we’re now collecting and implementing all of their feedback to improve the gameplay experience. We may need more time to fine-tune the physics and opponents’ I.A. We’ll keep you updated on our progress all the way, though. Thank you for bearing with us!

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